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Need to know time in another country? but not sure of the time difference? Or just curious what the time is half way across the globe? Keep track of the time in multiple cities around the world...
Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia that is supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia's 30...
Unit Converter collections acceleration, angle, area, data storage, density, dynamic viscosity, electric current, energy, power, force, frequency, length, mass/weight, power, pressure, kinematic...
I believe that everyone is not strange on the "Star Wars" C3PO, she can understand and translate the language of the universe and humanity of each planet. Translator uses Bing translation feature...
Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia that is supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia's 30...
The Translator is of your learning, work and travel helper. it can be translated multi-lingual in English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Arabic, French, German,...
The Mobile Idiom Dictionary is an application on the windows phone which is used to look up an idiom. The dictionary has a collection of more than thirteen thousand idioms and most of their...
唐詩,宋詞,元曲為中國文學史上的三朵奇葩,《唐詩三百首》、《宋詞三百首》和《元曲三百首》中分別收錄了唐詩、宋詞和元曲精華和代表作,各約300首。探索唐詩的淵源,體會宋詞的情感,了解元曲的精妙,讓我們對歷史有所感悟的同時,增進知識的涵養。 《唐詩三百首》的編選者是蘅塘退士,(1711~1778),原名孫洙,字臨西,江蘇無錫人。...
《唐詩三百首》是一部流傳很廣的唐詩選集。唐朝(618年~907年)二百九十年間,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時代,雲蒸霞蔚,名家輩出,唐詩數量多達五萬餘首。孫琴安《唐詩選本六百種提要·自序》指出,“唐詩選本經大量散佚,至今尚存三百餘種。當中最流行而家傳戶曉的,要算《唐詩三百首》。 ”《唐詩三百首》選詩範圍相當廣泛,收錄了77家詩,共313首。它是華人接觸中國古典詩歌最好的入門書籍。...
元曲是繼唐詩、宋詞之後,我國文學史上的又一突出成就。元曲刻露尖新,宜俗宜雅,特色鮮明;古文眾體薈萃,風格各異。它們韻律優美,詞采斐然,意境深邃,琅琅上口,歷來為人們所喜愛。古代童子發蒙,士子進學都很重視文學的誦讀功能,因為在誦讀中能充分地感受前人作品中的情感韻律、詞章精華,更深地領略其中的意蘊。實踐證明,誦讀古詩文,是學習傳統文化的有效途徑。 《元曲三百首》共收錄元曲共計三百一十首。...
"房贷、车贷、商贷计算器 + 提醒"是一款简单易用的适用于中国金融体系的房屋贷款,汽车贷款及消费贷款的计算app。该app更新到2012年07月06日最新的贷款利率,支持常用折扣贷款利率、自定义贷款折扣和自主输入任意利率的计算,同时支持对等额本息和等额本金计算结果进行比对。还款提醒功能将帮助您不错过任何一个还款截止期。希望该应用能为您带来便利。
'Local Calc + Reminder' app is to calculate your monthly mortgage/loan payment with just the required data and minimal clutter. Estimate loan payment on a monthly basis with detailed Amortization...
Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Amazon, ebay, Skype, outlook, a lot of mailboxes, a wide variety of bank cards, credit cards ... Passwords are too many to remember! Account manager will put an end to...
初學外語的人,一定有過「諧音記憶」的經歷,「諧音記憶」對我們學習外語有一定的促進作用。現在我們在工作,學習,旅遊過程中,不可避免的會接觸到一些外語?本應用通過獲得「外語立刻說 HowToSpeak」的翻譯結果和中文諧音結果,採用對話方塊的形式呈現給消費者。目前支援英語,日本語及朝鮮語的諧音翻譯。希望大家會喜歡。